8037 Outreach & Engineering

The driving mission of team 8037 is to spread awareness of robotics and the real life application of FIRST. Our hope is that we will inspire others to seek careers in engineering and create their own FIRST teams while we offer them our support. It is also important to us to build a positive relationship with local engineering businesses.

Community Outreach:
  • Held a demo at Makerfest in Lima, OH where we presented FRC and FTC to over 2300 students and vendors (October 19)
  • Had a booth during the Van Wert County Fair where we demoed and presented our robots (Aug 19)
  • Assisted with the 4-day Van Wert Middle School Robotics Camp (Aug '19)
  • Had a booth set up at the local Wiffle Ball Tournament (Aug. 19)
  • Demoed and presented the robots during operation back to school (July 19)
  • Setup a tent and demoed the robots during a local 3-day softball tournament (July 19)
  • Presented robotics at Space Camp to 30 students at the Wapakoneta Air and Space Museum (June 19)
  • Assisted with the 4-day Van Wert Elementary School Science Summer Camp (June 19)
  • Demoed and presented the robots at the library for their summer reading program (June 19)
  • Assisted with the 5th-grade orientation by talking with multiple groups of students and demonstrating our robots (May 19)
  • Presented robots for kids to move and look at at Project Back To School (June 22)

  • Toured and then visited a local engineering business, Elmco Engineering, where we set up a partnership to work with them on our FRC robot and manufacturing parts (July 19)
Van Wert High School Robotics Club
All rights reserved 2020
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