Helpful Information

These are Documents You Might Find Useful

How to Build a Sizing Box: This is a great document provided by FIRST on how to build a sizing box to check your robot before going to competition

After Match Inspection List: We use this after each match to make sure we don't forget to check critical components of our robot - This is from an earlier season but will give you an idea of what we use

List of Items to Bring to Competition:

  1. Logbook
  2. Team Consent Forms (Printed List from online system or Paper Copies)
  3. Emergency Medical Forms
  4. Tax Exempt Forms for Hotels (If Applicable)
  5. Banners, Tri-Folds, or other items to promote team in the Pit
  6. Tools and Spare Parts
  7. Chargers for robot batteries, robot/driver controller phones, Laptop, and Camera
  8. Extension Cord
  9. Laptop with Programming Code
  10. Safety Glasses
  11. ROBOT <--- You might laugh but we almost did this our first year!
  12. Before you come check the forum for any rule changes and clarifications

Van Wert High School Robotics Club
All rights reserved 2020
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