In The News

Van Wert Robotics Teams 5501 and 14174 will compete in the 2023-2024 robotics season. This year's season is called 'Center Stage.' The main objective of this year's game is to get hexagonal pixels onto a backdrop at one end of the field. Other ways teams can score is by flying a drone and/or suspending the team's robot by the rigging...

This week, team 8037 is hosting a coloring competition! The coloring sheet is in the picture above, the Van Wert High School, Middle School, Elementary School, and Early Childhood Center are all receiving these coloring sheets,

On December 27 and 28, 2022, Van Wert hosted a competition. Our 3 teams, 14174 Cougar Robotics, 5501 VW Robotics, and 20116 Where's The Tape Measure all attended the competition. The teams helped set up the competition on Friday, then welcomed other teams as they came to our school.

Van Wert High School Robotics Club
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