2022 Van Wert FTC Competition


On December 27 and 28, 2022, Van Wert hosted a competition. Our 3 teams, 14174 Cougar Robotics, 5501 VW Robotics, and 20116 Where's The Tape Measure all attended the competition. The teams helped set up the competition on Friday, then welcomed other teams as they came to our school.

5501 qualified for state then both 5501 and 14174 won a few awards. Both teams were also chosen as alliance partners in the semi-finals. 14174 got an innovate award and 5501 got an award for their design and an award for being a finalizing alliance. The three teams supported each other through the whole competition.

The competition went very well, many friends were made from different teams. 23 teams in total participated in the competition, all teams being supportive and practicing gracious professionalism during this competition.

After the competition, all Van Wert teams helped clean up the gymnasium and cafeteria, getting both places ready for the next school day. 

Van Wert High School Robotics Club
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